Getting Relief from Your Auto Loan: A Guide for Military Service Members

Getting Relief from Your Auto Loan: A Guide for Military Service Members

As a military service member, you may face unique financial challenges, such as deployments, frequent moves, and reduced income. These challenges can make it difficult to keep up with your financial obligations, including your auto loan payments. However, there are ways to get relief from your auto loan and avoid falling behind on your payments. In this article, we will explore the options available to military service members who are struggling with their auto loan payments.

1. SCRA Protections

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) provides financial protections for military service members, including relief from auto loans. Under the SCRA, you may be eligible for a reduced interest rate, delayed payments, or even termination of your auto loan. To qualify for SCRA protections, you must be on active duty or deployed for more than 180 days.

2. Military Lending Act

The Military Lending Act (MLA) is a federal law that protects military service members and their dependents from predatory lending practices. The MLA limits the interest rate that can be charged on auto loans to 36% annual percentage rate (APR). If you have an auto loan with an interest rate higher than 36%, you may be able to refinance or modify the loan to bring the interest rate down.

3. Refinancing Your Auto Loan

Refinancing your auto loan can help you lower your monthly payments and reduce your interest rate. Many lenders offer refinancing options specifically for military service members. You may be able to refinance your auto loan through a military-friendly lender, such as USAA or Navy Federal Credit Union.

4. Modifying Your Auto Loan

If refinancing is not an option, you may be able to modify your auto loan to make it more affordable. You can contact your lender to discuss options such as extending the loan term, temporarily suspending payments, or adjusting the interest rate. Many lenders are willing to work with military service members who are facing financial challenges.

5. Deferring Payments

If you are facing a financial emergency, you may be able to defer your auto loan payments for a short period. This option is typically available for military service members who are deployed or on active duty. Deferring payments can provide temporary relief, but it's important to note that interest may continue to accrue on the loan.

6. Seeking Assistance from a Nonprofit Organization

If you are struggling to make your auto loan payments, you may want to consider seeking assistance from a nonprofit organization that specializes in financial counseling and education for military service members. Organizations such as the Military Financial Assistance Center (MFAC) and the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) offer free or low-cost financial counseling and education to help you manage your finances and get relief from your auto loan.

7. Considering a Co-Signer Release

If you have a co-signer on your auto loan, you may be able to release them from their obligations. This can be a good option if your co-signer is facing financial challenges or if you want to take full responsibility for the loan. Many lenders offer co-signer release options, but it's important to note that this may require a refinance or modification of the loan.


Getting relief from your auto loan can be challenging, but there are options available to military service members. Whether you're facing financial challenges due to deployment, reduced income, or other military-related issues, it's important to take proactive steps to manage your finances and get relief from your auto loan. By exploring SCRA protections, Military Lending Act requirements, refinancing, modifying, deferring payments, seeking assistance from nonprofit organizations, and considering a co-signer release, you can find a solution that works for you. Remember, it's always a good idea to consult with a financial advisor or credit counselor to ensure that you're making the best decision for your financial situation.

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